Krakow Diagnostic and Clinical Center

Krakow Diagnostic and Clinical Center
Krakow Diagnostic and Clinical Center
Krakow Diagnostic and Clinical Center

About the Project

This year, the Krakow Diagnostic and Clinical Center - an interdisciplinary center, which offers specialist consultations and diagnostic tests in as many as eight areas - has begun its activity. It combines professional equipment with the highest efficiency and a competent team, which consists of the most successful medical specialists in Poland. By combining the experience of telemedicine engineers with the clinical practice of the medical team, the Krakow Diagnostic and Clinical Center received the title "Medical Center close to the Patient's home".

The task of Eleven Zett Productions was to prepare the whole concept of visual identification, design a unique logo and create center’s website.

April 2018


Visual identification

Creating a website

Press releases

Media promotion

Media Relations

Media monitoring

Photo coverage
